Vol. 1, Issue 1, May 13, 2003
Get Away From It All
The Apesheet

The Watley Review is dedicated to the production of articles completely without journalistic merit or factual basis, as this would entail leaving our chairs or actually working. Names, places and events are generally fictitious, except for public figures about which we may have heard something down at the pub. All contents are intended as parody and should be construed as such. We have no agenda other than the depletion of Uncle Zeke's whaling trust fund and the dutiful appreciation of smooth, smooth liquor. The Review is updated every Tuesday or when the hangovers wear off, whichever comes first.

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The bottom line is that we can barely keep our Difference-Engines running and it's pretty laughable to suppose that we would even be capable of doing anything with your personal information if we were inclined to do so, which we're not.

Send us your comments, questions, or subpoenas. No, wait, not that last one. Stick to questions and comments.

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